Tax Schedule
Zoning Board of Appeals
David Tessier, Chairman
Seara Haines
David Hale
Donald Neugebauer
Kevin Sharpe
Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are held as needed on the second Monday of the month (when there are applications). Meetings are open to the public and held at the Pompey Town Hall, 8354 U.S. Route 20, at 7 p.m.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide all appeals from decisions of the Zoning Enforcement Officer and all referrals for area variances from the Planning Board. Said Board shall be organized and shall conduct its activities in accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 267 as the same exists or may, from time to time, be amended.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is vested with exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide appeals involving any interpretation of the Zoning Law or issues related thereto, including, but not limited to, district boundaries, extent of nonconforming uses, language employed or other similar matters. In addition, the Zoning Board of Appeals is vested with exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide all appeals or applications for variances from the provisions of the Zoning Law, including both use and area variances. In exercising its powers, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall have all of the powers set forth in Town Law § 267