Tax Schedule
NYSERDA Clean Energy Community Program
The Town of Pompey spends tens of thousands of dollars annually to heat/cool and power its buildings. By collecting energy performance data and comparing that to similar buildings nationwide, the Town can make smarter, more cost-effective operational and capital investment decisions, saving taxpayer money.
Benchmarking is one of several actions recently undertaken as part of the NYSERDA Clean Energy Community Program. In 2021, the Town also entered into an agreement with National Grid to replace existing streetlights with LED lights. The payback period for this upgrade will be less than two years, after which the Town will realize approximately $3,460 in annual energy savings.
Through the use of a grant administered under NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Community Program as well as a rebate program offered by National Grid, the Town has upgraded the lighting in the Town Hall (2021) and Highway Garage (2022) to LED. The expected payback attributable to energy savings associated with this upgrade is expected to be approximately 14 months for the Town Hall and 32 months for the Highway Garage.
In 2022, the Town replaced the almost 30-year-old heating and cooling equipment in the Town Hall with energy efficient cold climate air source heat pumps. It is expected that this new heating and cooling system will provide significant operating cost savings over the old propane-fired heating system.
Additional high-impact actions such as those described above will continue to make the Town eligible for grants administered under NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Community Program.

Solar Energy Systems; Overlay District
​Read the resolution to adopt the Solar Energy Systems local law (with most recent revisions).
Read the local law to create the Solar Energy System Overlay District.
Review response to community feedback from energy program manager Chris Carrick of the Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board.
View the Solar Energy Systems; Overlay District presentation.
For more information about solar laws, read the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) Solar Guidebook and the Town of Pompey Solar FAQ.

Information regarding Local Law 2022-1, an application by Pivot Energy for a change of zone from Farm Zone District to Solar Energy System Overlay District.
​​Soil Survey
Planning Board Concept Review
Environmental Conservation Commission Comments
Project Benefits