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Environmental Conservation Commission

Phil George, Chair
Kathy Bertuch, Deputy Chair



Beth Aust

Craig Dennis

Pauline Drexler

Stanley Gorman

John Herrington

Adam Scalisi

​​​Martha Viglietta


The Town of Pompey Environmental Conservation Commission meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Pompey Town Hall, 8354 U.S. Route 20, Pompey Center, Pompey, New York.


The Environmental Conservation Commission shall:

  • Advise the Town Planning Board on matters affecting the preservation, development and use of the natural and man-made features and conditions of the Town of Pompey insofar as beauty, quality, biologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned and, in the case of man's activities and developments, with regard to any threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the long-range value of the environment to the people of the Town of Pompey.

  • Conduct studies, surveys and inventories of the natural and man-made features within the Town of Pompey and such other studies and surveys as may be necessary to carry out the general purposes of this chapter.

  • Maintain an up-to-date inventory or index of all open spaces in public or private ownership within the municipality, including but not limited to natural landmarks, glacial and other geomorphic plains, swamps and marshlands, unique biotic communities and scenic and other open areas of natural or ecological value and of the ownership, present use and proposed use of such open areas, so as to provide a base of information for recommendations by the Commission for their preservation and/or use.

  • Seek to coordinate, assist and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions and individuals within the Town of Pompey in accord with the purposes of this chapter.

  • Maintain liaison and communications with public and private agencies and organizations of local, state and national scope whose programs and activities have an impact on the quality of the environment or which can be of assistance to the Commission.

  • Advise the Town Planning Board concerning features, plans and programs relating to environmental improvement for inclusion in the Master Plan of the Town of Pompey and recommend to the Town Board appropriate and desirable local legislation relating to environmental control.

  • Referral to county. When the Town Planning Board refers any proposed action or matter to the Onondaga County Planning Board pursuant to § 239-m of the General Municipal Law, or when a proposed action or matter does not require § 239-mreferral but does require the Town Planning Board to conduct SEQR review, the Town Planning Board shall refer the same proposed action or matter to the Commission for review and comment. The Commission shall recommend approval, modification, or disapproval of the proposed action or matter or report that the proposed action or matter has no significant environmental impact on the Town of Pompey.

  • Carry out such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Town Board of the Town of Pompey.


The Commission shall have 30 days after receipt of a full statement of such proposed action or matter, or such longer period as may have been agreed upon by the Commission and the Town Planning Board, to report its recommendations to the Town Planning Board, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for such recommendations. If the Commission fails to report within such period, the Town Planning Board may take final action on the proposed action or matter without such report, subject to the provisions of Subsection G(3) of this section.


If the Commission recommends modification or disapproval of a proposed action, the Town Planning Board shall not act contrary to such recommendation except by a vote of a majority plus one of all the members thereof. Within 30 days after final action, the Town Planning Board shall file a report of the final action it has taken with the Commission. If the Town Planning Board has acted contrary to a recommendation of modification or disapproval of a proposed action or matter, it shall set forth the reasons for the contrary action in such report.

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