Tax Schedule

Pompey, New York

Pompey, New York

Pompey, New York

Pompey, New York
Pompey Town Offices fully open!
All visitors welcome.
Town Clerk:
8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Phone: 315.682.9877
Fax: 315.682.1171
Code Enforcement: By appointment only.
Phone: 315.682.1170
Cell: 315.409.6271
Fax: 315.682.8062
Tax Assessor: Mondays, 9 a.m.–noon
Assessor's Clerk: Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–noon
Phone: 315.682.1169
Fax: 315.682.7895
Highway: By appointment only.
Phone: 315.682.9544
Fax: 315.682.1171
Supervisor: By appointment only.
Phone: 315.682.9877
Fax: 315.682.1171
Justice Courts: Tuesdays/Wednesdays, 6 p.m., or by appointment.
Judge Cognetti (1st and 3rd Tuesday)
Judge Amond (2nd and 4th Wednesday)
Phone: 315.682.1168
Fax: 315.682.3659
The official town mailing address is 8354 U.S. Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104.

Onondaga County Broadband Coverage
County Legislator Dave Knapp announced the Onondaga County fiber optic installation project is complete, getting high-speed internet to more than 1,500 rural locations that didn’t have access before. The County partnered with Verizon Fios to install the all-fiber, high-speed infrastructure.
Every household in Onondaga County should have access to high speed internet. If you don’t have broadband internet access, call Verizon 1.800.VERIZON or visit the Verizon website to enter your address and check your coverage. You can also call Onondaga County to report a lack of coverage, 315.435.2070.

Welcome to
the Town of Pompey
Pompey is a large part of Onondaga County, consisting of 66.5 square miles. It is the highest inhabited spot in the county. Pompey offers quiet solitude and spaciousness, natural beauty, and a rich historical heritage. We celebrated our 200th anniversary in 1994!
There are many recreational areas within the boundaries of our town, most just a short drive away. The Pompey Club (private), and Onondaga County Parks offer picnic facilities for both large and small, golf, cross country skiing, swimming, and hiking. You won't want to miss Pratt's Falls and Camp Brockway, Highland Forest Park, and Jamesville Beach.
For some winter fun, pack up your gear and take your pick of our local downhill ski areas—Labrador Mountain and Song Mountain.

Quick Links
Town of Pompey
Contact Us: Town of Pompey, 8354 U.S. Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104
Phone: 315.682.9877
Fax: 315.682.1171
Supervisor Email:
Town Clerk Email:
If your browser does not automatically open an email window, please copy the email address to send us an email.
Town of Pompey Government Website.